Wine Tasting in St Martin
9/19/2013 - By St Martin Reservation Center

Do you love wine? Will you be on the island of St Martin on Nov 4, 2013 or Nov 24, 2013? Then you are in luck there will be a major public wine tasting event on those dates at the Pan Lan Restaurant in Simpson Bay, on the Dutch side of the island.
The event will be from 4 - 6 PM at a cost of $30 per person and includes Hors d'ovures. or if you don't drink Hors d'ouvres only is just $15. You won't be disappointed and will meet some inteesting people.
The program is to compare wines from the Old World (Europe) to the New World 9rest of wine producint countries)...
Our advice...check it out...for more info email Jeannie for payment and reservations.
If you nedd accommodation reservations in a villa, condo or beach front hotel, call the island experts at St Martin Reservation Center...800 480 8555 / 480 460 2800.